Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Why Me?

Whoa!!!!! Can I just say that I have obviously made Allan and his 18 followers very mad!!! They are all discussing me on his blog!! Fun times! Oh, and they are even leaving me comments defending Allan! :) I am actually a celebrity here in blog land! Yes, Allan has dedicated another post to me accusing me of all kinds of things! Did ya'll know I wear a size 40 dress???? Oh, and I almost forgot he even put a link to my blog in his post!!!! He is so sweet! ;)

Just to clear up a few things in case I have not been totally clear...... this is not for Allan's purpose (I could really give a flip what he thinks) it is for my new followers I have gained since the Allan fiasco!!!

1. I am a CHRISTIAN. My husband is a Pastor. I love the LORD with my whole heart and soul! Everything I do, I do trying my hardest to be a good example and to please HIM!!! Just because I defended myself does not mean I am not a Christian. It doesn't work like that. God forgives me when I ask for forgiveness. I do not feel like I did anything wrong, but I did ask God to forgive if by defending myself I in fact hurt Allan.

2. I always pride myself on my attitude toward life and toward myself. If you have ever even taken I a couple minutes to read my blog you should be able to see this! I try to be a good person and I think I succeed at this often.

3. I have never said weight loss surgery was a cure all. In fact I have preached the opposite in this blog and in real life. I am an open and honest person and I can say whole heartedly that I have never made statements that sounded anything like that!

4. It is true that I have not been banded yet. But, it is also true that I have fought very hard for over 6 months to make this happen and I can not discredit that. I know I may not know exactly what it is going to be like on the "other side," but I can promise you this.....I have a very good idea! I have a good idea because I have a wonderful surgeon that has a awesome supportive staff that is here to help me in any way they can! I attend support groups for lap banders. I have done my research. I have blogged about this process since day 1 and have over 100 great followers. I know what I am doing and I have full intentions of SUCCEEDING!!!!

5. Yes it hurts my feelings that Allan is still talking about me on his blog, calling me fat and saying I am not a Christian. It also hurts my feeling s that they all think I am eating truck loads of food before I have my surgery. In all honesty I haven't gained a lb since I started this process. I really have probably lost a couple lbs. I do think it is rude to state that I need psychological therapy but, not everyone in life is going to get along with you and think you are a fabulous star! I am over it! Personally I think he is a DICK HEAD. He is probably just trying to get more followers since he only has like 18.

Ok. So now that that is over with, let's go back to the fun loving, life loving, positive attitude Mary that everyone else loves too!!!!!!

I drank my first protein shake for breakfast this morning!!!! It really wasn't that bad!

Thanks for all the support during this!!!

Do ya'll ever just think "Why me"?????


Steph said...

Don't even bother to get into a flame war with that chump. Ignore him, his followers and stay positively focused. I deleted my other comments from before since I didn't want to offend you with my choice words, but I was just upset he made you so mad/hurt. Take care and stay strong!

Mary said...

Oh steph!!! You are so sweet! Don't delete your comments I loved them!!!!! I do not get offended by stuff like that at ALL!!!! Promise! I totalled laughed when you left that comment I thought it was great!!!! And, it totally made me feel better because it was what I wish I could have said!!!! If you did delete it go write another nasty one!!! ;) Thanks girl!!!

Sandy said...

Never visit his blog again. He is so insignificant in your life that you don't need to recognize his dick-headedness.

We love you and will follow you before after and forever. I am so sorry you are stuck in this. Guess those others have nothing better to say. Just delete their comments and keep our little support bandsters to be there for you in thick and thin.

You are such a good person and you are not mentally ill. The band is just a tool. A happy little tool that after 45 years of "dieting" is my only support. I remember posting about my first protein shake that it really wasn't all that bad. Then day 5 and 7 and 12 hit-Pre-op is the worst. And I did a lot of Last Suppers before being banded but since I paid for my surgery, I didn't have a long wait (less than 2 months), partly because Christmas delayed my start. I do know some bloggers who started their pre-op before Christmas and had protein drinks for dinner that day.

May God Bless you and keep you. Because that is the truth.

Mary said...

Sandy you are so sweet and so encouraging thank you!

Christine said...

How long do you have to do the pre-op diet? I'm glad that you're not minding (er, enjoying??) the protein shake! I hope that continues, although trust me, it gets harder to stomach the longer you're on the diet! :-)

Mary said...

Christine - I only have to do the pre-op diet for one week, but I am thinking about trying to do it for 2 weeks. I want everything to go great during surgery,so if that will halp I will try!!!!!

-Grace- said...

Mary you are a rock-star! Don't worry about this joker. He's not worth the breath or the key-strokes ;)

I know you will be a great success with the band. You are so dedicated to learning as much as possible (from your doc, staff, blogs, research, etc).

I was trying to leave a comment yesterday, but it wouldn't let me. In it, I mentioned that perhaps he should concern himself with getting to the gym more and focusing on his diet as he isn't exactly the shining example of health. Just saying!

*Hugs* Love reading your blog!

Kim said...

Mary - You are doing awesome and don't let some jerk who doesn't know what he's talking about hurt your feelings. I am so proud of you and know EXACTLY where you are on your journey and you are not far from surgery girl!! You can do this and you have some wonderful people supporting you, so just forget about that idiot!!!

Janelle said...

Allen and his small following should stop concerning themselves with other people's weight loss and focus on their own... get a life people.

Mary said...

Grace and Kim - ya'll make me smile :) Thanks so much!!!! Grace I love reading your blog also!!!! You are such an inspiration!! Kim you know how much I love and appreciate you!!!! You have helped me so much!!! <3

Kerri said...

Boy, I missed some drama while I was away for the weekend. I need to get updated. I think you are soooo stinkin' cute and screw this bozo that is giving you a hard time! Rock on sista!

Jacquie said...

"Dick-head"? Now, that does not sound very Christian-like Mary! But I love it! Hey, like I always say...if the "dick" fits, wear it!

Ignore the moran and his followers!

Mary said...

Jacquie!!! I think it was very Christian of me to choose those words instead of what I was really wanting to type!!!! It is all about self control, and besides it always makes me feel better when I say the word dick head!!! :) Thanks girl!!!! I am totally ignoring!!!

Amanda Kiska said...

Can I comment again?

Amanda Kiska said...

Yesterday I couldn't comment.

I'm so sorry you are dealing with this. I remember before I was banded one of the reasons I didn't tell very many people was because I didn't want to be questioned about my decision. I was confident about what I was doing, but I didn't want to have to justify it to anyone else.

I sincerely think Allan knows WLS is his only hope. He is dieting and at the stage where he is on his soap box, but like most diets, it will probably fail. When it does, he will likely feel very differently about it. It is sad really that he is so judgmental because he may have himself convinced that WLS is not the option and for that reason he may never conquer his issue with food.

Keep blogging! We love you and know you aren't a size 40 and you aren't going to binge up to your surgery.

Mary said...

Yes mam you can!!!!!! I think I have fixed the "members only" problem! :)

Mary said...

Thanks girl! I appreciate it! I am trying my best to ignore him but he just gets on my nerves! :) I am also scared other sweet band bloggers will follow hom and then he will be nasty to them also :( I totally plan on blogging!!!! I love IT!

Nella said...


Bonnie said...

So glad we can comment again. I was ready to go rip Allan a new one for making you fool with your blocking tool (I'm a poet and didn't know it) and causing us to not be able to leave comments.

CC said...

mary just remember it's all about karma! :-) allan is a poopy head and what goes around comes around right?

Pamela E. Williams said...

Wow I missed the drama as well. I have been dealing with stuff and just haven't been able to read the blogs like I normally do. I was following him and he just started following me. I don't negativity and refuse to be a part of it. So I just stop following him.

I hate you had to go through this as well. Its hard enough to do this without out someon adding to the strain.

Mary said...

Thanks girl!!! I am strong and I am going to get past this!! We are all STRONG!!!! :)

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