Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I think I am BEAUTIFUL

Here is the much PROMISED new post!

I have an announcement to make.....


I am being SERIOUS ladies and boys! :)

Yesterday I decided to take some before pictures. I take lots of pictures of myself, but as I started looking for some of them I realized they were all face shoots. Not only face shoots, but face shoots where you hold the camera tilted above your held so you are looking up, you know the ones where they make your DOUBLE chin go away and also make you look like you did a good 75 pounds ago!

Come on ladies, I KNOW ya'll KNOW what I am talking about.

So, like I was saying I had my sweet co-worker take some before shoots of me in front of a door in my office.

Now I was thinking I was going to HATE these pictures when I saw them.

I had imagined how horrible these pictures were going to look, how I would be so ashamed to post them and let the WHOLE WORLD finally see ME!

Guess what.

I LOOKED at those pictures and I thought to MYSELF,


Not just face pretty, I even thought my body looked BEAUTIFUL.

I know everyone is thinking, how can this be?

How can someone so over weight look at a FULL BODY picture of THEMSELVES and their response be, MAN I AM A HOTTIE!

I really don't know the answer.

Maybe it was because I was wearing really dark jeans and a black shirt???????


To be brutally honest I have always thought I was BEAUTIFUL.

SCARY, I know.

When I went to the Weight Surgeon, one of his questions was..."Do you have issues with your self esteem or feel uncomfortable about your body?"

I immediately answered, "NO!"

The truth is I don't, I probably should, but I don't.

To be honest looking at those before pictures kind of made myself question the surgery.

If I LOVE my body so much, why am I having weight loss surgery.

The answer is I HAVE too for my HEALTH!

I want to be healthy! I really WANT to have a BABY!

It does make me worried, because I hope I still LOVE myself this MUCH after I loose weight. I hope I still have this pureness about me. I hope I still can find BEAUTY in EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY! Regardless of size!

I want to encourage all of you to go look in the mirror!


Find SOMETHING about YOURSELF that you think is absolutely GORGEOUS!

Take that time to tell yourself that YOU ARE IN LOVE WITH YOU INSIDE AND OUT!

I know I am. I think that is why I KNOW this SURGERY is going to be such a success for me. I think I am in a really good place in my life right now. I am COMFORTABLE about who I am as a person! I am COMFORTABLE with ME!

Now here is the pictures I took!

I am going to start taking more full body pictures and post them!

Now as I am looking at these photos I am starting to think TWICE about this post.

MAYBE I don't LOOK as GOOD as I THINK i DO!!!!!!

Just kidding!

I know it's crazy but I can still find BEAUTY in them, maybe not PERFECTION, but definitely BEAUTY!

Now be NICE ladies and boys!

You ARE allowed to comment, but you may NOT use the words conceieted or self absorbed!

Just JOKING, I LOVE and ADORE ALL the comments you ladies and boys leave!

In fact I check my blog 1,000 times a day waiting to see what ya'll had to say!!!!


I look at all of your blogs and can't help to think how BEAUTIFUL you ALL are!

Go get in the MIRROR ya'll!

Thanks for reading!



CC said...

you go girl! OWN your beauty and sexiness!! and yes you are beautiful!! :-)
my favorite thing to say is "i may be fat but DAMN am i pretty!" :-)

Amanda Kiska said...

You are beautiful and I am sure you will love yourself at any size. I also think your healthy self-image will insure that you love yourslef at 175 lbs. just as much as you do now! Great post. Thank you for sharing!

LDswims said...

You are not conceited or self-absorbed.

Oops. I used the words. :)

But seriously, you are beautiful. Beauty comes from within anyway. And you are most definitely a kind caring soul - so what you've got on the outside is just icing on the cake.


Kim said...

You're post just made me cry!! I would love to feel the way you do. One day I will get there though! You are beautiful!

Mary said...

Thanks ya'll! Ya'll all have helped me so much on this journey! I APPRECIATE each ONE of YOU!

Bonnie said...

It's great that you can look at your pictures and be so happy. I look at pictures taken when I was thinner that at the time I didn't like - now I wish I could look like that again. Loving yourself now is the best thing you can do for yourself and it's great that you are at that point without having to lose weight. I don't think anything will change once you lose weight except you'll be healthier.

Jenny said...

You did not disappoint with your post! I think its wonderful that you like yourself! Too many of us don't myself included sometimes.

You are totally cute and you will rock your surgery!!!

Dirttrackdiva said...

you sassy, sassy minx you! you go on with your self confidence. continue to wear it proudly my friend. great for you.

♥ Drazil ♥ said...

I don't even "think" you are beautiful....cuz I "KNOW" you are beautiful. Rock on girl!

Jen said...

Mary this is a beautiful post and you are beautiful inside and out. Thank you so much for your comment on my blog yesterday, it made me cry some happy tears. You are a gem!
Thank you for being my friend. I'm off to find you on facebook now. :)

Justawallflower said...

I love your energy, and self confidence! I wish I had a fraction of that! Honestly, I have always felt envious of those big girls that always complain about hearing comments such as "you have such a pretty face", cause at least they have a pretty face! Anyway, you are gorgeous as a big girl, and I'm sure you will be as a smaller version of yourself as well!

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